For the past few hours earthquakes are shaking the Gulf of California, some are strong earthquakes happening on the fault line.
Since yesterday earthquakes have pounded the surrounding area of California. it started yesterday with a 2.6 magnitude then followed by a 3.4 magnitude and then a 3.7 magnitude as well as a 2.5 magnitude.
Either in the area of California or in the gulf of California. Today the earthquakes in the gulf of California are getting stronger.
Earlier there was a 4.7 magnitude earthquake followed by a 5.7m then a 5.5m and then another big one at 4.7m and 4.2m after that.
The biggest one happened a few minutes ago, that registered 5.8magnitude on the Richter scale.
Something is happening at the Gulf of California, scientists claimed earlier this month that they are expecting a big earthquake. Could they be correct?