Piranhas Attack Brazil Beachgoers

In Americas, News Headlines

Rio De Janeiro. Authorities in a state in Brazil’s northeast are scrambling to take the fright and the bite off the beach after piranhas sunk their teeth into about 100 beachgoers, UOL Noticias reported.

The problem — rather fearsome given piranhas’ horror-movie teeth and ability to sink them into human flesh — has been the biggest at the main beach area in Piaui state; authorities said they need to act fast to reduce a piranha overpopulation situation.

Last weekend, at least 100 bathers were treated at the hospital in Jose de Freitas not far from Terezina, Piaui’s capital, after being bitten on the heels or toes at the local beach.

“Since they have no predators, piranhas have started attacking people on the beach,” said Romildo Mafra, a local environment official.

Environmental officials so far have added tilapia to the piranhas’ local food chain hoping to quell some of the predators’ hunger.

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