Big Earthquake Below Sumatra

In Asia, Earthquakes & Tsunamis, News Headlines

Deep powerful but probably harmless earthquake happened 30 minutes ago at 4:55 AM.
The earthquake will probably wake up a lot of people.

Epicenter near Tembusai Utara. 87 km SE Padang sidempuan (pop 100,561).

As the earthquake occurred below the island, a Tsunami risk is not present.
516,000 people are living within a radius of 50 km around the epicenter.

GDACS has just issued a GREEN earthquake alert for this earthquake = very limited chance on damage and/or injuries

Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : M 5.6
Saturday, November 20, 2010 at 04:55:15 AM at epicenter
Depth (Hypocenter) : 206
Geo-location(s) :
86 km E Padang sidempuan (pop 100,561)
90 km S Kota pinang (pop 76,141)

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