At Redsky News on 24th December 2010, we received an eyewitness account of burning hail striking the Chittagong area of India in the 1990’s.
An email describing this event was sent to our office by Nakul Jana who is an energy specialist in India and who quoted from The Global Meltdown Domino Effect as follows:
Event 1 – Rev. Ch. 8 V 7
The year at the time of writing this is 2006. Imagine for a moment that each year for the next eleven to twelve years more and more Methane is released in to the atmosphere. Every year, more heat is trapped by the Methane resulting in more Methane being released and so on. This brings more violent storms. During thunder storms water droplets start to freeze in the head of the thundercloud to form hail. When Methane is present, water freezes at a slightly higher temperature than usual. The ice forms a lattice type structure, drawing the Methane in like a sponge and locking it in.
A flash of lightning inside the head of the thundercloud ignites the “hailstones” and they fall to earth. The first wave of burning hail falls “clean” but ignites vegetation a lot of which will be in clay soils. This results in tiny red particles carried by the heat being pushed up into the atmosphere. These particles are then absorbed by water droplets and the process begins again, but this time the burning hailstones appear to contain blood.
He then went on to give his account of what happened:
“In the 1990s there was cyclone I in Bangladesh and some of my friends from Chittagong told me that during the storm they found The sky is burning and red. The hailstorm was a burning fire. Now I understand that the everywhere was blood color; was due to burning of methane ignited by lightening. I belong to India and was in Abudhabi during that period where a huge number of Bangladeshi works who told me the story. I will try to find out the date of this catastrophe and inform you. You may be already knowing this and I will appreciate forwarding some study news on this”
The Redsky team have investigated this event with the help of Nakul Jana, have identified the storm in question and can now offer an explanation as to exactly what happened, but first, about the storm.
On April 29th 1991, a devastating cyclone hit Bangladesh, killing more than 135,000 people. Cyclone 2B, as this storm was known, had been tracked for a week as it made its way north through the Bay of Bengal. It slammed into the southeastern coast of Bangladesh on the 29th. April.
In 1970, nearly half a million people lost their lives to a powerful cyclone, prompting locals to build some storm shelters. However, not enough people took advantage of these havens before the 1991 storm (approximately 100,000 sought shelter), deciding to wait out the cyclone in their mud and straw huts. This proved disastrous when 150 mile-per-hour winds caused a 20-foot surge of water across the region. Some islands were entirely swamped. Thousands of people were washed out to sea and drowned during the nine-hour storm.
It took several weeks to recover the bodies of the victims. Best estimates put the loss of life at between 135,000 and 145,000 people. One-and-a-half million homes were decimated by Cyclone 2B. Additionally, a million head of cattle were lost. Because of this, and the heavy loss of crops, starvation posed a critical danger to the survivors.
The Burning Hail Explained
The Bay of Bengal is home to the Ganges river delta which is fed by tributaries and distributaries of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers.
The Delta consists of layers of silt in-between which are layers of rotting vegetation washed down by the rivers. The rotting vegetation as it decomposes gives off methane gas which is trapped in the layers of silt. These amount to vast deposits of methane trapped in the delta.
When the 20-foot storm surge travelled across the delta it disturbed the layers of silt causing the release of the methane gas deposits directly into Cyclone 2B above. As the cyclone travelled inland towards the Chittagong region, hail stones were formed locking in the methane gas which were ignited by lightning. These burning hailstones then fell exactly as Nakul Jana’s friends witnessed.
This event, is a signature of what can be expected to be witnessed regularly, around the globe in a few years time (Starting in 2017-18) as the permafrost continues to release methane into the atmosphere and methane hydrates continue to de-stabelize on the sea floor.
For more information about this subject, please download your free copy of “The Global Meltdown Domino Effect” from this web site and don’t forget you can monitor the situation by clicking on the “Meltdown Evidence” category and selecting Burning Hail – Event 1.
Article by Redsky with special thanks To Nakul Jana, Energy Specialist.
A further email received from Nakul Jana:
Dear Mr Andrew Inns
I wish to thank you for the mail and will appreciate your mails on the subject redsky. I have forwarded redsky to huge number of my associates – environmentalist, NGOs and people involved in global warming.
Your effort in bringing the global meltdown to all will help in educating people and result actions at different corners to reduce it.
It is associated with our longer survival on this plannet. Anyone who has gone through evolution of life on earth and know the history of earth from the birth 4530 million years ago, will realize the gravity of the redsky phenomena and debacle waiting at our door.
Please distribute your news , ideas corrective actions to all particularly the political people who can contribute maximum by formulating the policies
With Warm Regards
Nakul Jana