Climate Change demonstrators are making their way to Blackheath in southeast London after the ‘secret’ location of their protest camp was revealed.
Up to 3,000 protesters had gathered at different meeting points across the capital before their final destination was announced by text message and on Twitter.
The group will pitch their tents on the heath with a view to staying there for a week.
Scotland Yard had pleaded with organisers to tell them the location of their climate camp so they could minimise disruption and plan how to police it.
But in reply the campaigners made a video posted on YouTube in which said they “don’t trust police”.
Earlier, protesters gathered in to protest at a variety of key locations.
Around 100 campaigners listened to speeches and music outside mining company Rio Tinto’s offices in Aldermanbury Square while they waited for instructions of where to head next.
One camper, Richard Smith, from London, said organisers chose the capital as the site of this year’s protest because it is an oil and coal city.
“All the carbon-intensive industry in the world is in part controlled from London,” he said.
“Before, when we’ve been on previous climate camps to Drax, Heathrow and Kingsnorth, we’ve been targeting where the emissions are coming from.
“But the Government turns around and says ‘It’s OK, we can offset and trade carbon credits and we’ll get a great deal at Copenhagen this year’.
“But we’ve done our research and it’s a pack of lies.”
A gathering also took place outside Stockwell underground station to mark the death of Jean Charles de Menezes and reports said over 100 met up outside Shell Oil’s head offices on South Bank.
Other protest points were at the BP’s HQ in St James’ Square, the Bank of England and Stratford Station, near the 2012 Olympic site.
Officers will be under immense scrutiny after the G20 protests in which the controversial “kettling” technique was used to contain crowds.
Penknives and “anything which looks remotely nasty” should be left at home, activists have been warned.