Papua New Guinea Cholera Kills 100

In Asia, Diseases & Mutations, News Headlines

Australian authorities in Papua New Guinea say up to 100 people may have died as the country’s latest cholera outbreak continues to spread.

The Federal Government has pledged $500,000 to help fight the outbreak on Daru Island in the country’s south-west.

Australia’s High Commissioner to PNG, Ian Kemish, travelled to the affected area last week.

So far there have been 30 deaths and hundreds of infections on Daru, but Mr Kemish says the outbreak there has been stabilised.

He says unconfirmed reports indicate the disease has now spread to the nearby mainland and the Fly River delta.

“There may have been a further 100 deaths from cholera in the broader region outside Daru,” he said.

Mr Kemish believes Australia will be helping PNG’s health authorities combat cholera for some time.

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