Redskynews is now available on Twitter. All the latest news items will be tweeted on our page along with other relevant content from (which is still under construction), and
This will provide the reader with a pool of end time news and events including the Global Meltdown Domino Effect, Testimonies from the Redsky Ministry and articles highlighting the incompatibility of the Old and New Testaments.
All of this content can be viewed through our new Twitter widget on the sidebar of pictured below.
To visit our Twitter page, just click on the Twitter icon at the bottom of the widget or search on Twitter for Redsky International.
If you already have a Twitter account, please “Follow Us” and recommend us to your friends. If you don’t have a Twitter account and want to “Follow Us” then please sign up and don’t forget it’s free.
If you have your own website or blog and would like our Twitter widget on your web site, then you can get it by clicking on THIS LINK.
You can also resize the widget to fit the space you have available.
If you have any problems installing the widget, please email us from the “Contact Us” page on this site and we will help.
Finally, don’t forget that The Redsky Ministry is the ultimate source of end time news and we are the only Ministry by The Grace Of The Lord Jesus Christ who actually know what’s going to happen, when and what you should do.
For more information about this, please get your free copy of the Global Meltdown Domino Effect by clicking on the banner at the bottom of this page.
Thank you for your support and thank you for following us on Twitter.