Families Flee As Flood Isolates Town

In Australasia, Floods & Storms, News Headlines

Two families have been evacuated from a town cut off by the swollen Moonie River in the western Darling Downs.

Western Downs Regional Mayor Ray Brown says the families were voluntarily evacuated from Flinton earlier today.

He says flooding in the council area has peaked, with the township facing isolation for 10 days or more.

“They’re well-prepared. These residents are very well-equipped,” he said.

Further west, the town of St George is preparing for a major flood peak of 11 metres on Saturday afternoon.

Balonne Shire Mayor Donna Stewart says the rain is still falling and water could isolate the town.

“There is about 60,000 megalitres going through Jack Taylor Weir at the moment, which is a pretty spectacular sight,” she said.

“It all depends what happens with the Moonie River system.”

Flood peaks are also expected to cut off roads in Quilpie and Eulo tomorrow.

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